The Teach for America • New York City Annual Benefit dinner brings over 500 New Yorkers together to join the Teach For America community in support of New York City public schools for the 2015 Benefit Dinner, honoring Gary D. Cohn of Goldman Sachs. The theme of the event was “It Takes A City,” it takes committed supporters working alongside educators, students, and New Yorkers in every neighborhood to ensure kids become the leaders New York City needs. Achieving educational equity in our lifetime will truly take a city. The night of the event, we raised nearly 6 million dollars - enough funding to recruit, train, and support 130 teachers who will serve 13,000 NYC kids over the next two years.

For three years at Teach For America, I lead the conceptualization and creation of the New York Annual Benefit Gala. Each year we raised over $6 million for the organization’s operations.