So grateful I was able to see one of my all time hero's, Gloria Steinem in the flesh last night at the New York Public Library. It was a live convo with Roberta Kaplan and Q+A from the audience. It was so inspiring to experience how humble and down to earth she is in addition to how much ass she is kicking at 81 years old!! There were so many young women in the audience I left feeling rejuvenated and ready to fight the system.
Attorney Roberta Kaplan landed a major victory for the LGBTQ movement by successfully arguing for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act before the Supreme Court. Gloria Steinem has championed women for decades, and immeasurably advanced women’s rights. At LIVE, they come together to launch their new books: Kaplan’s Then Comes Marriage: United States v. Windsor and the Defeat of DOMA, and Steinem’s My Life on the Road. Check out the full convo here